Nose with Strawberries (Another Kheppi Ending)
2012 / 2013
Tapestry, mohair, silk and embroidery
345 x 234 cm
Edition of 6
_DSC3189Carte Hypsométrique de l’Empire Russe
Hand-woven mohair tapestry
Edition of 6 plus 2 AP
Hand-woven mohair tapestry
Main dimensions: 269 x 253 cm
Edition of 6 plus 2 AP
Hand-woven mohair tapestry
Edition of 6 plus 2 AP
Hand-woven mohair tapestry
Main dimensions: 272 x 292 x cm
Edition of 6 plus 2 AP
Hand-woven mohair tapestry
Main dimensions: 254 x 258 x cm
Edition of 6 plus 2 AP
468f5af868d72dc1bcc0dda57043e69cj3 Figures
Hand-woven mohair tapestry
280 x 330 cm
Edition of 6
Three Figures TapestryDiva
Hand-woven mohair tapestry
244 x 216 cm
Edition of 6
Diva TapestryPorter Series: Espagne Ancienne (Porter with Dividers)
Tapestry weave with embroidery. Warp: polyester. Weft and embroidery: mohair, acrylic and polyester
250.8 x 336.6 cm
Edition of 3
Porter with Dividers TapestryPorter Series: Géographie des Hebreux ou Tableau de la Dispersion des Enfants de Noë (Noah Tapestry)
Tapestry weave with embroidery. Warp: polyester. Weft and embroidery: mohair, acrylic and polyester
244 x 325 cm
Edition of 3
Porter Noah TapestryPorter Series: Russie d'Europe (Man with Bed on Back)
Tapestry weave with embroidery. Warp: polyester. Weft and embroidery: mohair, acrylic and polyester
312 x 230 cm
Edition of 3
Porter with Bed TapestryPorter Series: Afrique
Tapestry weave with embroidery. Warp: polyester. Weft and embroidery: mohair, acrylic and polyester
256 x 350 cm
Edition of 3
Porter Africa Tapestry.jpgPorter Series: Egypte
Tapestry weave with embroidery. Warp: polyester. Weft and embroidery: mohair, acrylic and polyester
253 x 340 cm
Edition of 3
Porter Egypte TapestryPorter Series: Nord-Polar-Karte
Tapestry weave with embroidery. Warp: polyester. Weft and embroidery: mohair, acrylic and polyester
336 x 303 cm
Edition of 3
Porter North Polar Chart TapestryPorter Series: France Diviseé en Ses 32 Provinces (Shower Man)
Tapestry weave with embroidery. Warp: polyester. Weft and embroidery: mohair, acrylic and polyester
244 x 335 cm
Edition of 5
Porter Shower Man TapestryPorter Series: Asie Mineure (Tree Man)
Tapestry weave with embroidery. Warp: polyester. Weft and embroidery: mohair, acrylic and polyester
250 x 345 cm
Edition of 5
Porter Asie Mineure TapestryPorter Series: Germanie et des Pays Adjacents du Sud et de l'est (Pylon Lady)
Tapestry weave with embroidery. Warp: polyester. Weft and embroidery: mohair, acrylic and polyester
260 x 342 cm
Edition of 5
Porter Germanie TapestryPorter Series - Europe divisee en les different Etats (Shower Woman)
Tapestry weave with embroidery. Warp: polyester. Weft and embroidery:mohair, acrylic and polyester
243 x 345 cm
Edition of 5
Porter Shower Woman TapestryPorter Series: Amérique septentrionale (Bundle on Back)
Tapestry weave with embroidery. Warp: polyester. Weft and embroidery: mohair, acrylic and polyester
305 x 235 cm
Edition of 5
Porter Amerique TapestryPorter Series: Expédition du jeune Cyrus et Retraite des Dix-mille (with Wrought Iron)
Tapestry weave with embroidery. Warp: polyester. Weft and embroidery: mohair, acrylic and polyester
244 x 360 cm
Edition of 5
Porter with Gate TapestryMalaga
Tapestry weave with embroidery. Warp: polyester. Weft and embroidery:mohair, acrylic and polyester
315 x 415 cm
Edition of 6
Malaga TapestryPeonies III (Platonic Objects and their Witnesses)
Hand-woven mohair tapestry
275 x 306 cm
Edition of 6
Peonies TapestrySelf Portrait as a Coffee Pot III
Hand-woven mohair tapestry
283 x 230 cm
Edition of 6
Self Portrait Coffee Pot TapestryChasing your Own Tail III
Tapestry weave with embroidery. Warp: polyester. Weft and embroidery:mohair, acrylic and polyester
240 x 400 cm
Edition of 6
Chasing Your Tail TapestryWinterreise
Hand-woven mohair tapestry
220 x 180 cm
Edition of 6
Winterreise TapestryPorter Series: Espagne et Portugal (Porter with Bicycle)
Tapestry weave with embroidery. Warp: polyester. Weft and embroidery: mohair, acrylic and polyester
244 x 346 cm
Edition of 3
Porter with Bicycle TapestryPorter Series: Norwège, Suède et Danemark (Porter with Chairs)
Tapestry weave with embroidery. Warp: polyester. Weft and embroidery: mohair, acrylic and polyester
275 x 198 cm
Edition of 3
Porter with Chairs TapestryEvent Horizon (Argument from Authority III)
Tapestry weave with embroidery. Warp: polyester. Weft and embroidery:mohair, acrylic and polyester
280 x 196 cm
Edition of 6
Event Horizon TapestryRoman Centurion
Hand-woven mohair tapestry
240 x 240 cm
Edition of 6
Roman Centurion TapestryCicero
Hand-woven mohair tapestry
180 x 190 cm
Edition of 6
Cicero TapestryWitwatersrand Horse
Hand-woven mohair tapestry
255 x 282 cm
Edition of 6
Witwatersrand Horse TapestryDare / Avere
Hand-woven mohair tapestry
Edition of 3
Dare Avere TapestryTableau des Finances et du Commerce de la partie Françoise de S. Domingue
Hand-woven mohair tapestry
322 x 369 cm
Edition of 6
Tableau des Finances TapestryProcessional Nose
Hand-woven mohair tapestry
250 x 330 cm
Edition of 6
Processional Nose TapestryMadame Manet
Hand-woven mohair tapestry
216 x 158 cm
Edition of 6
Madame Manet TapestryMonsieur Manet
Hand-woven mohair tapestry
200 x 150 cm
Edition of 6
Monsieur Manet TapestryFlowers for Suzanne
Hand-woven mohair tapestry
200 x 150 cm
Edition of 6
Flowers for Suzanne TapestryAnd When He Returned
Hand-woven mohair tapestry
300 x 475 cm
Edition of 4
And when he returned Tapestryl'Amiral Cherche une Maison a Louer
Hand-woven mohair, cotton and silk tapestry
300 x 600 cm
Edition of 1
Amiral TapestryStreets of the City
Tapestry, mohair, silk and embroidery
440 x 443 cm (Large)
Edition of 6
kent_tap_08_003Peripheral Thought No. 1
Hand-woven mohair tapestry
270 x 330 cm
Edition of 6
Peripheral Thought TapestryOffice Love, 2001
Tapestry weave with embroidery. Warp: polyester. Welt and embroidery: mohair, acrylic and polyester
344 x 455.9 cm
Edition of 3
Office Love TapestryPorter Series: France Diviseé en Ses 86 Departements (Dancing Lady)
Tapestry weave with embroidery. Warp: polyester. Weft and embroidery: mohair, acrylic and polyester
250 x 345 cm
Edition of 5
Porter France TapestrySouth Polar Chart
Hand-woven mohair tapestry
230 x 375 cm
Edition of
South Polar Regions TapestryPromised Land
Tapestry weave with embroidery. Warp: polyester. Weft and embroidery: mohair, acrylic and polyester
375 x 430 cm (Large)
Edition of 6
kent_tap_02_001Aegyptus Inferior
Tapestry, mohair, silk and embroidery
270 x 360 cm (Large)
Edition of 6
kent_tap_01_001Augustine's Empire
Tapestry, mohair, silk and embroidery
410 x 442 cm (Large)
Edition of 6
kent_tap_04_001Streets of the City
Tapestry, mohair, silk and embroidery
440 x 443 cm (Large)
Edition of 6
kent_tap_08_001Partie du Royaume de Naples contenant la Basilicate et la Calabre
Tapestry, mohair, silk and emboidery
421 x 370 cm (Large)
Edition of 6
kent_tap_07_001L'Incidente è Chiuso
Tapestry, mohair, silk and embroidery
383 x 430 cm (Large)
Edition of 6
kent_tap_05_001Pianta della Citta di Napoli
Tapestry, mohair, silk and embroidery
347 x 454 cm (Large)
Edition of 6
kent_tap_06_001City of Moscow
Tapestry, hand woven wool.
421 x 408 cm (Large)
Edition of 6
Hand-woven mohair tapestry
Main dimensions: 260 x 196 x cm
Edition of 6 plus 2 AP
bd3dc6be6731fe1c3842cef7375a8101jMan with Trumpet
Hand-woven mohair tapestry
230 x 275 cm
Edition of 6
Man with Trumpet Tapestry